I slept all day
I woke with distaste
And i railed
And i raved
That the difference between
The sprout and the bean
It is a golden ring
It is a twisted string
And you can ask the counsellor
You can ask the king
And they'll say the same thing
And it's a funny thing
Should we go outsideShould we go outside
Should we break some bread
Are y'interested
And as i saidI slept as though dead
Dreaming seamless dreams
Of leadWhen you go away
I am big-boned and fey
In the dust of the day
And in the dirt of the day
And the danger, danger drawing near them was a white coat
And the danger, danger drawing near them was a broad boat
And the water, water running clear beneath a white throat
And the hollow chatter of the talking of the tadpoles
Who know th'outside
Should we go outside
Should we break some bread
Are y'interested
Aposto k tão com vontade de perguntar: ó sara...o k é k esta "coisa" tem a ver com este site?(bosta de site, eu sei k é assim)? E aí eu, calmamente vos direi...: " "
E agr pensarão vcs...:"sara... n tá aí nada..."
Exacto...a minha mãe sempre me ensinou a não responder a provocações parvas e sem fundação nenhuma...Por isso, me despeço sem dizer o significado desta musica...Vcs merecem...(ker dizer...anda por aí um duende à solta k é capaz de se rir..."Será k devemos cortar um bocadinho de pão? Será k é acnselhavel??" LOL)