The only thing we are certain of after all these years is the insufficiency of explanation.


Why me?

When his life was ruined, his family killed, his farm destroyed, Job knelt down on the ground and yelled up to the heavens,

"Why god? Why me?" 

and the thundering voice of God answered, 

"There's just something about you that 
pisses me off."

Storm of The Century, Stephen King



chips chips

A minha médica disse que precisava de perder 5kg para estar dentro do peso normal para a minha altura (bitch). Mas o meu cérebro com certeza que processou a informação ao contrário, porque em vez de estar a reduzir, pelo menos, nos doces e batatas fritas e etc., ando a comer compulsivamente. Há pessoas que lidam muito mal com ordens, e ao que parece, eu sou uma delas. Vou buscar outro pacote de batatas à cozinha, já volto.

effects I

1) As insónias não passam de mitos quando estou contigo;

Adormeço rapidamente e durmo que nem um bebé. Eu não preciso de sleeping pills ou de chás. Preciso de ti. Devíamos dormir mais vezes juntos.


adj. 2 gén.
1. Que não se pode domar.
2. Irresistível.
3. Fatal, inflexível.

Tens mesmo a certeza?


loving me for me

Stripped of all make up, no need for fancy clothes,
No cover ups, push ups.
With him, I dont have to put on a show.
He loves every freckle, every curve, every inch of my skin.
Fulfilling me entirely, taking all of me in...
He's real, he's honesty, and he's loving me for me


And I have become the trigger for your gun. 

E depois acordei.



I hope this time you're right. I hope it's all going to be alright. I hope this time you're not lying to me, even without knowing.  

I hope.

rock paper scissors

Tinha decidido não bater o pé. Tinha decidido ser crescidinha, não amuar e lidar com a realidade. Mas bato. Bato, bato e bato ainda mais. Não concordo, não quero, dispenso. Não vou sorrir perante, não vou facilitar nem vou ajudar. Vou ser eu, e vou ser o meu pior eu. Vou exigir, vou pedir e vou mandar.


When I'm around you and your acne problem appears, I always feel sad. I can deal with pimples. But the thing is, I know that that cute pimple is an allergic reaction your skin does when in contact with mine. Is a way of your body telling you I'm going to do you harm and hurt you like nobody ever did. Sometimes I think your soul is allergic to me, and that the only thing that keep us together is your heart fighting against your spirit, who, in the end, I'm afraid it will be right.
I'm not Mr. Right, I'm Mr. Right Now.



Having trouble telling
how i feel,
but i can dance, dance, dance. 
Couldn't possibly tell you
how i mean,
but i can dance, dance, dance


I Want You To...

Intense attraction,
bodies like magnets. 

My thoughts start to run wild.



To hurt

hurt (hûrt)
v. hurt, hurt·ing, hurts
1. To cause physical damage or pain to; injure.
2. To cause mental or emotional suffering to; distress.

In English, the present form of the infinitive to hurt is hurt. The past tense of that irregular verb is also hurt.

I guess when you get hurt in the present, even with time enough to make it a past, you're always hurt.

I Belong To You

A razão pela qual o novo albúm de Muse - o The Resistance - é bom.