The only thing we are certain of after all these years is the insufficiency of explanation.


O convencimento de que sorrir é tão fácil como olhar é tão absurdo como o convencimento de que sorrir é tão difícil como olhar e ver.

2 comentários:

Rafaela disse...

senti-me confusa!

Mesmo assim acho que sorrir, e até chorar, é tão fácil como olhar e tão difícil como ver. As razões que nos levam a essa manifestação emocional é que são tão dificeís de discernir como o é olhar e tão fáceis de descobrir como é ver. No fundo o viver não passa de um conjunto de razões que se nos apresentam através da visão e do olhar e que nos permitem ser felizes ou tristes e transmitir esses sentimentos através de manifestações corporais e psicológicas!

Rafaela disse...

I was still a child when you caught me and tied me to your bed
You gave me shoes and pretty clothes, and i gave you what i had between my legs
Just a rite of passage, you held me down and said
"I'm gonna be your right of passage, so boy you better spread, spread em"

You said.."run run run as fast as you can but you cant run run from the childcatcher's hands"

I wrote your name in my shit across the town to warn the kids of your bloodshed
when i chased you with a burning cross, my mother she wanted you dead

she said "run run run as fast as you can but you cant run run from our law given hand"

you said
"well i've got no time for victims and i don't think it was all that bad
and if you can't run to save yourself well then you deserve to be had
this is the age of constipation, this is the age of martyrdom
I think you even enjoyed it, I think I even saw you come"

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