The only thing we are certain of after all these years is the insufficiency of explanation.


The teens years.

This is the spirit
I can feel it.
You can do anything,
but nothing is really certain.
you can say it to me
i already know it.
That's your life, yes it's true
but think, my life is like that too.

Listen to me, hear what I have to say to you:
This is the spirit,
I hope you feel like me too.
Freedom is for everyone,
but no one really knows it good.

8 comentários:

Tits and Acid disse...

e quem disser que está mal, vá dar uma curva até à dona jaquina, porque esta porra deste poema valeu-me um Excellent a inglês.... xD

Rafaela disse...

ta mal....

Rafaela disse...


Rafaela disse...

AWEEEEEEEEEE (aziei-t)!!!

Rafaela disse...

Ta mal...

Rafaela disse...


Anónimo disse...

ta mal XD

Lindo* cupiei a ultima parte para o meu nik XD

*iluna* disse...

e expressa-se de forma razoavelmente correcta em inglês e tudo! :P

MT fx... =)